Dragon Quest Builders 2 Review Round-Up

Shodan/ Luglio 13, 2019/ All Key Shop

Dragon Quest Builders 2

Dragon Quest Builders 2 has finally launched and the critics have posted their verdicts. Square Enix and Omega Force teamed-up for the sequel to bring fans a more polished experience, both on the exploration and combat sides of the game. So, how did the game stand up against the critics? Check out the review round-up below:

IGN — 8.8/10

“Dragon Quest Builders 2 is an admirable RPG and an admirable building game which seems in most cases to have gotten the best bits of both of its parent genres.”

– TJ Hafer

EUROGAMER — Recommended

“The Minecraft and Dragon Quest mash-up gets refined for the sequel, with a few other outside influences helping make it a laid-back joy.”

– Martin Robinson


“This is one of those rare sequels that delivers on just about every front, so long as you’re able to put in the time it asks of you.”

– Jeff Cork


“It’s easy for me to say Dragon Quest Builders 2 is a good game because it’d be a lie for me to say otherwise.”

– CJ Andriessen


“Dragons Quest Builders 2 is a beautiful mashup of iconic games with a quirky sense of humour, and you’ll be hooked on it from your first hammer smash. “

– Rachel Weber


“It takes a surprising amount of effort to beat Minecraft at its own game, but we’d argue that Dragon Quest Builders 2 in many ways surpasses its inspiration in fun factor and replayability.”

– Mitch Vogel


“It’s a game that captures the essence of fun and will make any RPG fan happy as they go from building a moderate little village in the hill into constructing an elaborate and gorgeous castle to share online with other players.”

– Alexander Thomas

And there you have it! It seems that most of the critics agree that Dragon Quest Builders 2 brings small but very welcome improvements over its predecessor. The changes are not revolutionary but they do end up creating a much more fun experience. There are a few gripes here and there, especially with the Switch version dropping frames and having abysmal load times, but fans of voxel-based crafting games and RPGs in general will have a lot to love here.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is available now on PlayStation 4 and Switch.


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