What We Are Up To – The Return Of Cyberpunk and an AM(A)A

Shodanxxx/ Febbraio 15, 2019/ Killing Floor 2


Hello everyone!

Spring is almost here, and for those that remember last year that means one important things for your schedule… The Killing Floor 2 Cyberpunk Spring event!

For those willing to plumb the depths of Spillway’s seasonal objectives, a new outfit awaits, along with a host of Cyberpunk drops along the way.

Players will find quality of life improvements (such as toggle sprint), balancing of perks and weapons (like the recently announced Firebug, and panic and related weapons, changes), bug fixes (we have identified and fixed an issue that would cause Zeds to spawn in line of sight of players) and more! Even the Survivalist is getting some love to its perk skills (these are trial changes while the team continues to evaluate a larger overhaul of the perk), with buffs coming for:

  • Medic Training: More healing and faster cooldown
  • Melee Expert: Increased attack speed (small) and damage (large)
  • Make Things Go Boom: Increased radius
  • Spontaneous Zed-plosion: Increased chance (small), damage (large), and radius (25%). This skill will also no-longer knock down zeds, but stun them instead.
    • A similar change has been made for the Firebug Zed Shrapnel skill

We aren’t ready to announce a beta date just yet, but to help tide you over we have something a little different. Next week we will be hosting a Ask Me Almost Anything (AMAA) at the Killing Floor 2 reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/killingfloor/)! You will find devs from several different specialties around to answer your questions about Killing Floor 2 on Thursday February 21st (between 2 and 4 PM EST, -5 GMT).

Keep an eye out for:

  • David Amata – Product Lead
  • Mike Stone – Producer
  • Jeff Robinson – Senior Programmer
  • Jonathan Betancourt – Designer
  • Chris Goodwin – Level Designer

If you can’t make it, don’t worry! We will have the AMA post up the day before to allow fans, who may not be able to be present, to have a chance to get their questions posted and answered. We look forward to seeing you there!