Find Out What Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden is All About in New Video

Shodan/ Ottobre 20, 2018/ All Key Shop

Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden


When people first see Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden, the first thing that pops into their mind is it’s XCOM with ducks and pigs. And for quite some time, we’ve always assumed that’s a fair analysis. Well, Funcom and The Bearded Ladies have released a new video for the game that sheds some light on what the game is really about.

First off, the game is based on the Swedish pen-and-paper RPG released back in 2014. As such, it follows the “meta plot” of its source. The game mixes real-time exploration and tactical turn-based battles, seamlessly transitioning from one to the other. There’s also a hub city called The Ark where you cal always go back to purchase and upgrade equipment, and learn a bit about the event that lead to the world being in the state that it is. Game director Lee Varley and co-director David Skarkin go into more detail in the video below:


The devs are also using their experience from developing the Hitman games to include an emphasis on stealth and tell the game’s story while players are exploring The Zone. There are skill trees available to characters as well which players can use to customize their party members’ mutations.

The devs also released a lengthy gameplay video with commentary so if you’d like to learn more about the game, you can check it out below:


So, it looks like the developers are at least aiming for the game to not be a simple XCOM clone. The comparisons won’t be going away though, so hopefully the game will have a whole lot more to offer so it can stand its ground. We’ll have to wait a bit more to see.

Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden is set to launch on December 4th for PC, Xbox One and PS4.

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