Killing Floor 2 Summer Opt-In Beta 2 (PC Build 1115) Is Now Available!

Shodan/ Giugno 10, 2021/ Killing Floor 2

To opt into this beta on Steam, join the “preview” branch available in the Beta drop-down list. Admins will need to use the following SteamCMD flag:

  • app_update 232130 -beta preview

To opt into this beta on EGS, the Beta will be accessible within KF2 owners’ game libraries as a separate install called “Killing Floor 2 Beta”. Users may need to restart their EGS launcher for the Beta to populate and be accessible to install. Progress for stats and inventory is shared between both versions on EGS so for users switching between Beta and Live be sure to sync your game data to use the latest timestamp to prevent any lost progress from participating in the Beta. The Beta on EGS also includes its own dedicated server within the install for your own personal hosting needs for this version.

Interstellar Insanity

  • You made it! The moon landing was performed without any complications! Well, almost… Anyway, this research station has gone quiet for a while so you must check if everything is going well. But considering that communications were cut off a few days ago, the situation does not look good, so don’t let your guard down. On top of that, there are also 2 alternative scenarios that you may experience that will imply an additional challenge level: Arachnophobia and Scavenger weekly modes. But there is some good news! At least you will be able to use the new fancy tools from Horzine Research Group, the HRG Bastion and HRG Blast Brawlers, that were being developed in this station. Final advice: it may take you some time to get used to the moon’s gravity.
  • Beta 2 Start 6/10/2021, Beta 2 End on the final release.

Addressed Community Feedback
As mentioned in the 2020 Killing Floor 2 ‘State of the Game’ our goal is to bring to the community a continued stream of QOL changes for each update throughout the year. Please continue to report any QOL changes you believe should be added to the game by submitting your feedback in the ‘general’ section on our official forums at:


  • Weapons
    • FAMAS Masterkey
      • Primary magazine increased from 24 to 30
      • Damage of secondary fire increased from 25 to 30 per pellets
      • Number of pellets of secondary fire increased from 6 to 7
      • Penetration of secondary fire increased
      • Spread of secondary fire reduced by 17%
    • Thermite Bore
      • Ground fires duration reduced from 10 to 7 seconds
      • Iron sights offset slightly adjusted to the center of the screen
    • HRG Blast Brawlers
      • Damage of primary fire increased from 36 to 39 for each pellet
      • Penetration of primary fire increased from 0 to 2
      • Ammo pool increased from 36 to 40
      • Spread of primary fire increased about 20%
      • Block damage mitigation decreased from 60% to 50%
  • Perks
    • Berserker
      • Parry (level 15 skill)
        • Incoming damage reduction increased from 25% to 30%.
        • Duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds.
  • Weekly Modes
    • Scavenger
      • Dropped weapon lifetime increased from 10 to 20 seconds


Designer Notes :
FAMAS Masterkey was underperforming more than what we expected, mostly regarding the secondary fire. So we boosted the fire power of the masterkey shotgun in damage and penetration capacity, trying to make it a useful tool for close quarters. We also increased the magazine size of the primary fire to alleviate the lack of single shot fire mode of the weapon, a fact that sometimes is causing the players to consume more ammo than what they wanted.

We think that the Thermite Bore was in a good spot. We just made a slight adjustment on the ground fire duration, reducing their life time a bit. We also made a small adjustment on the iron sight position of the weapon that was slightly off-centered.

The HRG Blast Brawlers were also underperforming so we made few adjustments to make it a more attractive weapon inside the support arsenal. The damage and the penetration of the primary fire was increased. The ammo pool was also increased. The spread of the projectiles was slightly increased. On the other hand, the damage mitigation of the block was reduced so now the defensive capacity is still there, but making a parry is more rewarding than a simple block.

About the recent Berserker Perk adjustments, we are confident that the current state of the perk makes a better overall balance of the game. Even so, we agree with the community that the Parry skill was downgraded too much, so we increased its resistance and duration to a midpoint between the original state and the beta 1 values.

In Scavenger weekly mode, players need to constantly use and drop a lot of weapons and without any adjustment on the pickups, the battlefield would be full of empty weapons. To avoid the frustration of picking an empty weapon we implemented a reduction on the dropped weapons lifetime, so players can focus on picking new fresh weapons rather than empty dropped ones. Seems that this lifetime felt short for many players that were having problems when sharing the weapons with their mates. We increased this lifetime a bit, but still with the mechanic of removing the used weapons after a short time.

Bug Fixes
Also mentioned in the 2020 Killing Floor 2 ‘State of the Game’ our goal is to bring to the community a continued stream of community-reported bug fixes for each update throughout the year. Please continue to report any bugs you discover by visiting our official forums at: and posting in the ‘PC’ or ‘Console’ sections.

Top Community Issues:

  • Fixed an issue where the finish tone after completing a Stand your Ground objective would repeatedly play until the end of the wave.
  • Fixed an issue with the Scavenger Weekly mode where using the DLC weapons would prevent the weekly from being completed and led to incorrect stats being reported at the end of the match. This has been temporarily fixed by removing the DLC weapons from the weapon pool for Beta 2 while a long-term fix is being worked on for the update release.


  • Thermite Bore
    • Fixed an issue where the Demo skills were affecting the Thermite Bore.
    • Fixed an issue where the firing sound of the Thermite Bore was being heard even when the SFX volume was disabled.
  • HRG Bastion
    • Fixed the SFX drop off distance of the shield activation/deactivation for the HRG Bastion.
    • Fixed an issue where the shield animation did not play fully after changing weapons.
    • Fixed an issue where some of the parts of the Bastion had no back facing textures leaving them to be seen through.
  • HRG Blast Brawlers
    • Fixed an issue where the tracers appeared behind the weapon as it was fired from the 3rd person perspective.
  • FAMAS Masterkey
    • Fixed an issue where you were unable to cancel the underbarrel reload animation.


  • Moonbase:
    • General
      • Fixed an issue where film grain post effect was more noticeable in Moonbase corridors.
      • Fixed an issue with the frame cap removed on higher end graphics cards that would cause ragdolls, dosh, and weapons to float to the top of Moonbase.
      • Fixed multiple seams and gaps between the walls and floor plates in the Moonbase Lobby.
      • Fixed multiple seams and gaps between the walls and floor plates in the Moonbase Kitchen.
      • Fixed multiple ZED pathing issues throughout Moonbase.
      • Fixed multiple instances of floor indicator lights overlapping and not drawing on certain textures in Moonbase
      • Fixed an issue where the floor was a tile to deep leading players to be stuck in Moonbase.
    • Living Quarters
      • Fixed multiple seams and gaps between the walls and floor plates.
      • Removed multiple instances of collision volumes creating snag spots.
      • Fixed multiple instances of objects missing textures.
      • Fixed multiple instances of blood splatter not applying to various textures and objects.
      • Fixed various LOD issues throughout the area.
      • Fixed an issue where light fixtures and neon lights were not attached to walls and hung in the air.
      • Removed multiple objects in the area that were extraneous to improve the performance of the area.
      • Fixed various instances of z-fighting within the area.
      • Fixed an issue where one of the weapon spawns would appear mid-air.
    • Rocket Dome
      • Fixed multiple seams and gaps between the walls and floor plates.
      • Fixed multiple instances of objects missing textures.
      • Fixed multiple instances of blood splatter not applying to various textures and objects.
      • Fixed various LOD issues throughout the area.
      • Fixed an issue with the cables where they had no collision for grenades or projectiles.
      • Fixed an issue with the ceiling that had no collision for grenades.
      • Fixed an exploit spot around the ramps that ZEDs could not path to.
    • Green Dome
      • Fixed multiple seams and gaps between the walls and floor plates.
      • Removed multiple instances of collision volumes creating snag spots around the scaffolding.
      • Fixed multiple instances of objects missing textures.
      • Fixed multiple instances of blood splatter not applying to various textures and objects.
      • Fixed various LOD issues throughout the area.
      • Fixed an issue where tvs were hanging in the air.
      • Removed multiple objects in the area that were extraneous to improve the performance of the area.
      • Fixed an issue where the poles had no collision for grenades.
    • Tech Dome
      • Fixed multiple seams and gaps between the walls and floor plates..
      • Fixed multiple instances of objects missing textures.
      • Fixed multiple instances of blood splatter not applying to various textures and objects.
      • Fixed various LOD issues throughout the area.
      • Fixed an issue where Zeds spawning from the ventilation could become stuck in the air.
    • Corridors
      • Fixed multiple seams and gaps between the walls and floor plates.
      • Fixed multiple instances of objects missing textures.
      • Fixed multiple instances of blood splatter not applying to various textures and objects.
      • Removed multiple objects in the area that were extraneous to improve the performance of the area.


  • Fixed an issue where the Scavenger weekly was available on Holdout maps.


  • Fixed an issue where the FAMAS Masterkey and the Thermite Bore were unable to be sorted by perk and weapon type.
  • Fixed an issue in WebAdmin where the thumbnail for Moonbase is not visible.
  • Fixed the sorting order of the maps correcting the placement of Moonbase.


  • Fixed an issue with the FAMAS Masterkey shotgun shells name not fitting within the text box in the Trader.


  • Fixed an issue where inventory icons for the FAMAS Masterkey and the Thermite Bore are showing as broken images in the Steam inventory.


  • Flagged the Gravity Imploder to allow it to be tradeable.


  • Fixed log spam referencing “Cannot 3D-Scale rigid-body primitives” so that it no longer occurs.

As always, thank you for your continued support!