Workshop announcement and streaming event

Shodan/ Giugno 9, 2021/ House Flipper

Hey Flippers,

I’m here to share some important announcements with you.

Some of our players are experiencing lags caused by all those amazing custom items – and yeah, I’m well aware it’s hard to resist temptation but hear me out:

We do not take responsibility for the Steam Workshop submissions – the creators are free to upload their projects as long as they do not violate Steam ToS.
Some of them may cause prolonged loading times and even crashes, so please consider unsubscribing to your workshop items in case of issues.

Also, I’m happy to share some news about our upcoming stream event that starts on Friday, the 11th of June. Some of our beloved creators will be streaming The Tenants and hosting numerous giveaways of House Flipper and The Tenants.
We’ll be posting all about it on TT’s twitter and facebook[] tomorrow.

All the best,
Roumyan – Social Media Manager @ Frozen District