The Second HGTV Giveaway + Community Survey!

Shodan/ Agosto 7, 2020/ House Flipper

Hey there Flippers!

Today we have 2 big things for you! 😸
First of all, we have another HGTV giveaway to celebrate the weekend!


If you don’t know how it works, all you have to do is just click the banner above, log in and go through a couple of steps to gain entry points.

No worries, even if you win and you don’t have House Flipper in the first place, you can choose it as a reward as well!

The second important matter is the Community Survey (that is also one of the steps in the giveaway).


What kind of survey is that? Well, we thought that we would like to start gathering your feedback in a more structured way!

That’s why this kind of survey is going to be happening every 2 months, and it’s going to be the best option to share your ideas with the developers!
So don’t hesitate and share your thoughts with us now, by clicking the banner above or just taking part in the giveaway!

Have a wonderful weekend, and Happy Flipping! 😎