Creative Update Is Live!

Shodan/ Novembre 15, 2019/ Astroneer


We have added a completely new game type within Astroneer: Creative Mode! Creative Mode is an optional game mode within Astroneer that allows players to explore and create without any limitations! Turn off Oxygen and Power consumption, spawn all craftable items, and use your terrain tool without having to manage sediment or augments. WARNING: Creative Mode can be turned on at any time, but doing so will completely disable achievements indefinitely in the active save.

Creative Mode Features

Creation Tool

The Creation Tool is a completely new terrain tool variant that is only accessible in Creative Mode. It has an on board infinite soil canister, and thus does not require Soil or Power. It also allows for entirely new functionality, Eyedrop Mode, and Paint Mode!

Delivery Catalog
This custom version of the catalog comes with all EXO items unlocked, as well as new item categories to support additional content found in the world! This includes resource nuggets, researchable items, hazard seeds, etc…. Just select the item you want and press the button and it appears!

Duplicate and Deleting Items

Creative mode allows you to duplicate or delete any item an Astroneer can hold. Once held, press Backspace (d-pad left) to delete, and Enter (d-pad right) to duplicate.

Terrain LOD Anchor

This new item “locks” terrain to it’s highest resolution so that you can create large sculptures and view them from a distance. Only 7 may be active at any time for performance reasons, and activating more than 7 will cause the first one placed to deactivate. Use the menu option to toggle indicators on and off to quickly see at a glance where LOD anchors are and their status.

Free Flight Mode

Press Spacebar or A/X twice to activate free flight mode! This will allow you to travel anywhere, and help you create large structures without the need of any supports!

Item Plinths

Plinths allow for rapid deployment of items directly from your backpack, and come in multiple categories:

Backpack Printer Plinth
Small Printer Plinth
Medium Printer Plinth
Large Printer Plinth
Resource Plinth
Simply place one on terrain or in your backpack and click on the currently selected hologram to deploy an item. Useful for pulling the same item out of your backpack repeatedly.

Customizable Creative Mode Experience

Click any of the boxes in the Creative Mode menu to completely customize your experience. Toggle Oxygen, Vehicle Fuel, Power, Invincibility, and more.

Creation Tool Menu

Activate the Creation Tool Menu by pressing R on keyboard, or Y/Triangle on controllers. This will allow you to choose colors, change brush size, adjust deform speed, and more. Only can be opened while the Creation Tool is equipped.


Terrain Desync has been fixed.

Weā€™ve fixed the issue that was causing Terrain Desyncs to occur in multiplayer sessions. Unfortunately, this fix will most likely cause deformed areas in existing saves to display artifacts. The good news: after you clean up these artifacts, there should no longer be any issues with terrain desyncing for multiplayer sessions.

Players should reach out to us if they see this issue occurring once this update goes live.

Performance Optimizations
Optimized memory allocation on all platforms
Optimized terrain deformation on all platforms

The following bugs have been fixed as of version

[AS-7007] – Players can no longer appear in unearned suits, palettes or visors by highlighting them in the customization menu then switching menu tabs at any point, or by highlighting them then exiting the menu.
[AS-8852] – Small canister is now auto pulled to medium canister when they are both on separate storage
[AS-9056] – Saving and reloading at various states does not result in a partial nugget being created from the Chemistry Lab
[AS-8394] – Fixed a bug that caused Players to become not joinable when loading a save after they have previously Saved and Exited to the main menu
[AS-8787] – Centrifuge will not longer break for clients when returning to relevance after centrifuge is finished.
Thanks so much for reading! We are so excited to get this update into your hands and see all the incredible things you will create!
