V1.2 b27 EXP

/ Dicembre 10, 2024/ 7 Days to Die

Hey Survivors!

Quick update to the Experimental again.
Here’s what changed since b25:

V 1.2 b27 Changelog


  • Re-enabled Game Version display in server browser for console clients


  • Fixed XML typo preventing DualSense trigger effect from being identified to be used for zooming with a 2x scope
  • HUD markers flickering positions
  • Prevent the server password window from automatically displaying the platform’s virtual keyboard on open, blocking users from reading the dialog on some platforms
  • Mods that allow selling to non-trader vendors no longer generate NREs due to a trader entity not being present
  • Added fallback particle removals for bleeding and shock particles in status check player buff
  • Fixed excessive amount of animals spawned
  • Prevent NRE when spam clicking a trader to open the quest turn-in window as a client