Join The Conversation

Shodan/ Aprile 15, 2021/ Killing Floor 2

Come Join The Conversation – We are looking for player input on what weapons they want to see join the KF 2 arsenal. Details and expanding poll here in the official forums[].

As the team continues to work on some great new content for Killing Floor 2 for 2021, we wanted to reach out and get a better handle and understanding on what types of weapons you want to see and why you think they would be a great fit for Killing Floor 2. This includes DLC and HRG weapons.

A few things to get out of the way up front:

  • We know many of you want to see more real world weapons
    • With a bit of an emphasis on WW 2
    • And a bolt action with a scope
  • The teams goals here are to find interesting weapons that can help bring new gameplay to KF 2 or shake up the perk a bit with more options/choice that play out differently from what is currently available to them.
    • This is one of the primary goals of the HRG weapons along with helping to balance these weapons where we feel crossperk leaves on perk OP and the other feeling weak

With those things being said, we’ve been looking over some of the great suggestions from the community but want some more player input and reasoning on why those choices are the right ones.

As we start to see trends we are updating the attached poll to help the top suggestions bubble to the top for the design team.

While we’ll be keeping an eye in here, the poll is only here in the official forums[]!