Merc Report – Dystopia and Back Again

Shodan/ Febbraio 4, 2021/ Killing Floor 2

Mercs get ready,

You know you Mercs are at the top of the list we call and send in first when something strange happens, but after what happened the last time… Well let’s just say the suits upstairs want expendable eyes to recon a new mystery. A city this time. Which, interestingly enough, has seemed to pop up out of nowhere. No record of it on any maps we are able to dig up, digital or otherwise.

We’ve picked a few blocks just east of the city center, office buildings, open spaces, once busy streets, you know the type. As always we urge you to exercise caution during this mission. What’s still out there, and working, may not be for much longer, especially as you toss around bullets and explosives. What we’ve seen of this place so far looks like some of this tech is both familiar, but yet uniquely different. As if science had taken a slightly different path a few decades ago, leading to a new dark and dangerous future, at least a different one from where we currently find ourselves.

Keep your wits handy as you may be needing to change your chosen holdout location during an assault if things start going dark, and the smoggy streets may not provide the safety you seek. So get out there and recon this “Dystopia”… Oh and do try and come back alive. To help with that we have several field condition improvements headed your way, more details in next week’s report.

Dystopia 2029 has been crafted by community mapper Seanchoaz.