Killing Floor 2 – Steam/EGS PC Build 1101 Changelog

Shodan/ Luglio 17, 2020/ Killing Floor 2


  • Players may wish to delete their old launch logs as they may have become quite large due to excessive notifications. Logs are located in: …Users…DocumentsMy GamesKillingFloor2KFGameLogs
  • Steam players who find they cannot join custom maps may need to manually edit kfengine.ini and the value for
    • [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver]
      AllowDownloads=True (From False)
    • We expect this to be fixed in the next update

Bug fixes included

  • Improved overall reliability of connecting to servers more efficiently via Find Match and Create Match.
  • Fixed issues with Log Spam when selecting the All tab of the Store page on EGS clients.
  • Improved overall performance of the server browser to ensure it loads faster and more efficiently on EGS.
  • Server Browser will now display connected EGS users within the connected user list.
  • Addressed remaining issues with filters on the server browser from the last hotfix on EGS.
  • Added 10-15 second timeout before reconnecting to previously connected servers in order to prevent stability issues.
  • Addressed purchasing issues with seasonal tickets and ticket bundles on EGS.
  • Removed extraneous colon “:” from Buy Key string on Crate Inventory UI on EGS.
  • Added Horzine Supply Crate Key to the News Carousel on Main Menu for EGS.
  • Fixed issue in which the microphone icon would not display when Push to Talk was disabled.
  • Removed OpenSSL 1.1 dependency on Linux based dedicated servers.

As always, thank you for your continued support!