Video Games Day update!

Shodan/ Settembre 13, 2019/ House Flipper

Video Games Day was yesterday Flippers!
And yes… we didn’t quite make it on time, but regardless this is an update that means a lot to us as gamers!

This time we’re bringing you some serious gear that every gamer will appreciate!

Pivotal monitors, gaming headsets, backlit keyboards and much more stuff awaits you in this amazing patch!

Check out the update video as well as some detailed patch notes:

House Flipper

New Content
– We heard you like to play video games, so we put player’s equipment into the game, so you can play while you play. Happy Video Games Day!
– We’ve added some new cabinets in Madame and Glen colections.

– Sockets and smoke detectors can now be removed.
– Building and demolishing walls are considered separate tasks from now on.
– Vertical snapping of wall objects is now enabled.
– Some items have been moved to new subcategories of cabinets, accessories and decorations.

– A certain cabinet of “Alone Home” had it’s highlighting fixed.

Garden Flipper

New Content
– A plethora of fences, two tropical plants and two flowerbeds were added to the store.