Shodan/ Ottobre 9, 2018/ Tom Clancy's The Division

Greetings Agents,

We are back with a new Agent Highlights! September was full of lovely creations, and as always, it has been a delight going through what the community has created for this month. So let us head straight to it!

You probably know how it works by now: all featured Agents will receive an in-game gift of 1000 Phoenix Credits.

For the second time in a row we will start with our cosplay section. We have amazing shots that we can’t wait to share with you. Straight from EGX, we have our Agents, Dayle Henley, LondonGamer94 and ImaginaryCos, who dominated the show!

This beautiful shot was taken by the talented 2ndlawphotography, check out more of his amazing work here.

Next, we have a front row seat to an inevitable confrontation! Frostie and Skumy6661 are facing each other, Agent to Hunter. We can feel the tension!

Who do you think won this, Agents?

We all like a challenge. Especially when the stakes are high. However, it seems our two heroes, Goose and Kenga, had some hard times with their latest challenge.

We have been monitoring this one since it was merely a sketch. Agent 3.x cosplay by Keelan is finally here, and we get a sneak preview!

Last but not least, we have Nickolas Phoenix with his new loadout, “Capitol Defender” set. Nicely put together Agent.

Agent Mab is known for her unique The Division inspired scenarios, you might remember the Rogue Beer post from last year. Now, she is back with another one!

Next up we have an absolutely mesmerising piece of work. We can’t stop admiring it. We love the cosplay, the editing and everything about it.

This collaboration between Area The Fox (cosplay) and Akunohako (photographer) has led to the creation of something beautiful. We can’t wait to see more similar collaborations between our community members.

We have another item to share with you in our Fan Creation section. This was created by EveyOnline, and we advise you to view it here.

Finally, we have an update on the #MissingAgents project by Mab, 6Golf3Bravo and Max. We are still looking forward to see what will be coming next!

We will kick off this section with a beautifully executed art piece by Athr94. This one caught our eyes instantly, not only by the amount of details, but because it’s in fact drawn on black paper!

We love it, and can’t wait to see more from you!

Next we have our superstars, Area The Fox, who are featured in this amazing piece of art. The art itself is the work of MarianaSmano, and inspired by Area The Fox.

We always love seeing this type of art, and great job on getting all those details in black and white.

For our last Fan Art piece, we have got a cool GIF created by Purplewurkz[].

We love how the animation progression brings the Agent to life!

For this month’s Team Favourite, we went with something different. It did not take us long to realise how much in love we are with this one. We present to you the newest and toughest Division Agent to exist so far! SHD Rabbid!


We would like to thank Agent Mab for this lovely creation!

And that concludes our Agent Highlights for this month. Remember Agents, if you would like to be featured in next month’s Agent Highlights article, don’t forget to tweet your creations with the hashtag #AgentHighlights.

ATTENTION: Agents, please follow @TheDivisionGame on Twitter so we can get in touch with you for the rewards.

Thank you from all of us!

Until next time,

The Division Community Team